Vision & Mission
As God’s forest in the Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) area, we want to seek the glory of Jesus Christ, save the lost, strengthen the saved, serve the needy, and send workers for global harvest.
To be good sheep to Jesus Christ and to be good shepherds to others. (John 10:11-18)
The dual call of Christian life is the Lordship of Jesus Christ and the discipleship of all people.
We recognize that we are merely helpless sheep unless we are hearing and following our Good Shepherd with all of our hearts, minds and strengths. Just as the well-being of sheep is tied to their dependency on the shepherd, we confess our vulnerable, yet blessed position of being the flock of God.
We are not only sheep of Jesus Christ our Good Shepherd, but also His deputy shepherds who reach out to those outside of God’s sheep pen. As we experience His love and power for us, we are called to share the blessing and wisdom of our Savior and Lord with others.
“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep... I know my own and my own know me.”
— John 10:11, 14a ESV
We want to create a spiritual forest of multi-cultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-generational missional people in the DFW area.
Just like a forest exists to provide shelter, nourishment, and habitat for all types of animals, Forest Community Church exists to nourish people in God’s way- meaning we want to grow God’s people in biblical discipleship and fellowship.
Similar to de-forestation being a serious global and environmental problem, the increasing secular values of individualism and consumerism threaten our spiritual life and peaceful existence.
We intend to become a healthy forest of individuals whose faith, commitment, and biblical values are interlocked like the roots of the Redwood Forest.
As God’s forest in DFW, we want to seek the glory of Jesus Christ, save the lost, strengthen the saved, serve the needy, and send workers for global harvest.