Good Shepherd College (GSC)
In his last letter to his beloved disciple Timothy, Paul gave the essential call of every disciple of Jesus Christ,
“What you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also.”
We are commanded to learn first and then to teach others. It is our prayer and vision to make GSC a highly qualified theological and pastoral training for every believer to become God’s shepherd for others.
Sign up for a class through the GSC Class Registration Form or keep scrolling to see what courses are offered!
GSC 101
Cornerstone Bible Study*
Solid foundation is a key for both strong building and sound faith. The first course of GSC explains the most foundational doctrines of the Christian faith through biblical narratives and theological interpretation. This sought-after class studies the doctrine of salvation, the Trinity, creation, Christ, the Holy Spirit, theological anthropology, and the last days in an engaging way that makes the core Christian beliefs easy for everyone to understand and appreciate.
*NOTE: This bible study is a prerequisite for all other GSC classes
GSC 102
Livingstone Bible Study
Who is Jesus Christ? The answer to this simple question can elucidate many important questions in life. H. Richard Niebuhr expressed the centrality of Jesus Christ in this way: “The life of Jesus Christ is the intelligible event in history that makes all life intelligible.” Until we know the person and life of Jesus Christ, we cannot make a meaningful sense out of our life and our world. Jesus is the most familiar figure in history, yet even many of his followers have not realized the uniqueness and depth of his life. This biblical Christology discloses the salvific significance of Jesus’ life in four areas: the birth, public ministry, passion and resurrection.
Prerequistie: Cornerstone Bible Study
GSC 104
Holy Imagination
Sexual immorality and pornography have become a spiritual stronghold that obstructs Christian spiritual growth. This class is designed for both men and women (classes meet separately), and deals fearlessly and frankly with the question of sex, lust and pornography. The class will cover God's view for sex, human beauty, pornography, masturbation, causes of habitual sin and proactive prevention and prayerful accountability. It is a 10 weeks class with a weekly assignment based on daily devotions (Monday to Friday). Due to the nature of intimate sharing, we will limit the class size to the first 12 people who pre-register.
Prerequistie: Cornerstone Bible Study, Livingstone Bible Study
GSC 201
John Discipleship I
The story about how “Son of Thunder” became “Apostle of love,” has touched many people’s hearts with the same power of God’s love. This study will reveal that the secret of discipleship lies in the discovery of Jesus’ transforming love. Besides refreshing lectures, weekly reflection writing and sharing will deepen one’s understanding of the Bible as every story becomes my own story.
Prerequisite: Cornerstone Bible Study, Church Membership
GSC 202
Seven Realities for Experiencing God
Henry Blackaby's "Experiencing God" was one of the most beloved and influential biblical practical studies in the world. It was translated in more than 40 languages and sold millions of copies. The new version of this study will help you understand the basic spiritual principles of experiencing God in the holistic way. This study is based on a daily devotion of 20-30 minutes (five times a week) and a weekly sharing.
Prerequisite: Cornerstone Bible Study, Church Membership
GSC 203
John Discipleship II
The second part of John Discipleship continues the beloved disciples’ witness of transforming love of Christ challenging many existential issues of our faith in God such as the real motive of following Christ, the question of true freedom, the power of the most personal revelation, the analogy of shepherd and sheep, the nature of resurrection faith and the exemplary posture of being a witness for Christ.
Prerequisite: Cornerstone Bible Study, John Discipleship I, Seven Realitites for Experiencing God, Serving as a Shepherd/Co-Shepherd/Sunday School Teacher
GSC 204
Life Journaling Bootcamp
Isn't it challenging to develop a habit of reading the Bible regularly? Wayne Cordeiro convincingly presents the case for being in God's Word on a daily basis to recap a closer walk with God .... This well-written book -- The Divine Mentor: Growing Your Faith as You Sit at the Feet of the Savior -- about developing a daily devotional time provides clear discussion and interesting anecdotes that encourage one to start reading the Bible every day. [The classes will take place over Zoom sessions.]
Prerequisites: Cornerstone Bible Study, Church Membership, Willingness to complete the required reading of the book and start journaling
GSC 301
Genesis Discipleship
The story of Abraham shows us how faithfully and graciously God transformed a hopeless old pagan worshipper to become a father of faith and the blessing for the whole world. From the God who changed Abram to Abraham, we will learn the true meaning of pursuing the promise of God and growing to be a friend of God.
Prerequisites: Cornerstone Bible Study, John Discipleship I & II, Seven Realities for Experiencing God, Serving as a Shepherd/Co-Shepherd/Sunday School Teacher
GSC Class Registration
Register for a GSC class by filling out the form through the button below! Contact John at gsc-reg@forest.church for more information.