Our History
How it started…
Many of us first met Pastor Paul and Jaimy, when Pastor Paul was an interim pastor at another church. Even in their short time there, they left a lasting impression- so much so, that a few of us told Pastor Paul to let us know if he ever felt called to start a church.
At the time, Pastor Paul didn’t feel called to do so, and instead had envisioned that he and Jaimy would move back to the San Francisco Bay area. However, after prayerful consideration, he decided to start a church, with a vision of a multi-generational, multi-ethnic, community that focused on primarily being good sheep to Jesus and good shepherds to others.
Building foundations…
Forest Community Church (FCC) was established in 2015 with a small number of families looking for a church community to call our own. Without an official church building, FCC began by meeting in member’s homes for worship as we planned and searched for a physical church home.
By God’s grace, after a year or so of meeting in members’ homes, a founding FCC member got introduced to someone from First Baptist Church of Plano. Soon after, we formed a partnership where they have graciously allowed us to use their building for our growing ministry!
Forest Today…
In late 2021, FBC Plano was able to complete the construction of their new building and invited FCC to join them. We brought our community to the new area next to President George Bush Turnpike and quickly began to grow in numbers as our members invited Dallas newcomers to visit FCC.
There are now 16 house churches with members spanning across many different walks of life. Our mission remains the same: to break bread and live life with our VIP’s and MIA’s. Although our Forest has grown in size, our main focus as a church is to intentionally build and faithfully equip a biblically rooted body of believers to go out into the world and make disciples of all nations.