Serving in Ministry
How can I serve at Forest?
There are a number of different ministries to get involved with at Forest. Each of them serves and builds up our church for His Kingdom purpose. Ask the ministry lead if you would like to join or if you have any questions!
Lead: Mo Choi
Join the Praise team! We welcome anyone with experience playing an instrument, a voice to sing with, or even just a desire to learn.
Lead: Rita Koo (Children) & Kristy Kim (Youth)
Support our teachers every Sunday teach and look after our children/youth. Pour into the next generation of believers and Forest members!
Lead: Yanghwa Hong
Help out behind the scenes! There is always a need for people to help out with tech, slides, and sound - no skills necessary, all training provided. Just bring an eagerness to learn and serve!
Lead: Richard Kang
Plan out Sunday fellowship events outdoors! Support our budding sports ministry along with planning for the larger fellowship events throughout the year.
Website & Social Media
Lead: Leigh Parker
We need your help to maintain our website and various social media (Wesome) presence for FCC. Training is available, so prior tech experience is not required- only your willing hearts!